
  • Ham Sandwich
    Thick ham slices carved with a thinned blade, Small holes, large holes, yeasty smells Of tasty homemade bread with chewy crusts and glassine-like spread of white butter Prepared by Concha, who lectured us in her native tongue And the only thing comprehensible was her tone, High-pitched reprimands and demands of some sort.
  • Mr. Zinobar
    Dear Mr. Zinobar: Can You forgive the members You know best? Petty grievances, petty give-nesses, petty members best forgivenesses? For high is their take-ness, high is their forgetfulness.
  • Billy Boggins and Candy Goggins
    (Dedicated and written for Catalina McKay, 2003) Billy Boggins and Candy Goggins Are best of bestest friends. They run, they scream, they hide, they dream, They build cardboard forts, They’re the biggest, most bestest team.
  • Lovely Child
    Lovely child, brightened face, obey your soul, find peace and grace.
  • Mercy and Grace are Sisters
    Unfettered child See, my Love, I walk for you. Wandering footman See, my Love, all plums, almonds and olives – a bounty for you.

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